Ombrello Interior Cleaner
(Ombrello Interior Choice)
✓ Suitable for all car interior surfaces
✓ Effectively removes dirt, oil, grease and dirt
✓ Repels dust and refreshes the look of the interior
✓ Low foaming materials quickly and effectively remove dirt
✓ Non-greasy composition protects surfaces from dust and renews the look of the interior
About the product:
Ombrello Interior Cleaner is an interior cleaner for soft leather, vinyl and plastic interior surfaces. Lightweight, low-foaming surfactants with excellent moisturizing properties and detergent power quickly and effectively remove dirt, oil, grease and nicotine deposits. After cleaning, the surfaces will look like they are from the factory, clean and shiny. The non-greasy composition protects the surface from dust and renews the look of the interior. The material is safe to use on plastic, leather and vinyl coatings and protects against UV rays.
Why is it important to use?
✓ Provides a brand new glossy finish
✓ Improves the durability of the coated surface
✓ Removes harmful bacteria that can accumulate on handlebars, upholstery and instrument panels
✓ Protects the car interior from pet damage and UV rays
Shake before use!
1. Spray Ombrello Interior Cleaner on a suitable surface.
2. If necessary, rub with a microfiber cloth, brush or sponge.
3. Wipe off excess material with a microfiber cloth.
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